Combining Choline and Betaine for Overall Health and Wellness

Choline and Betaine Anhydrous are two seemingly unrelated supplements. However, both of these compounds are very effective at reducing inflammation and homocysteine in the body. These are two of the major risk factors for heart issues. By adding this supplement combination to your routine, it may be possible to help insulate yourself against some heart issues.

What is Choline?

Choline is an essential nutrient and a member of the vitamin-B family (although not strictly a vitamin itself). It must be consumed through the diet or in choline supplements in order to maintain good health. Most of this nutrient in the body is found within specialized fat molecules known as phospholipids (lecithin). The phospholipids are essential in building the structural integrity of all human cell membranes. Choline metabolites are also thought to be cell-signaling molecules. It is also a direct precursor to the powerful neurotransmitter Acetylcholine, which is vital to a number of cognitive processes including memory formation, learning capacity, attention, and focus.

What is Betaine Anhydrous?

Betaine anhydrous is also known as trimethylglycine (a tmg supplement). This supplement is made within the body and it is involved in liver function, cellular reproduction, and the production of carnitine. Perhaps most importantly, it helps the body to metabolize homocysteine, an important amino acid. In fact, too much of this amino acid can build up in the body and lead to heart problems.

Betaine supplements are usually manufactured as the result of sugar beet processing and available in powder, tablet, and capsule formulations. It is also interesting to note that there is some evidence suggesting this supplement can help to fight against the buildup of harmful fatty acid deposits in the liver.

Using Choline and Betaine Together:

Although there might not seem to be a strong connection between choline and betaine supplementation, this combination may be very useful at helping to prevent heart issues. They apparently are capable of working in tandem to help reduce inflammation and a number of other risk factors.