What is the best creatine for women?

Creatine allows for various muscle gains in both men and women

Creatine supplements have been popular among athletes since the nineties, and they have gradually become popular among bodybuilders and frequent gym goers. However given its muscle building nature, many women are afraid to approach this supplement in fear that it will make them gain weight. Even more troubling is the fact that there’s more than one type of Creatine supplement out there, making it hard to choose one.

What is Creatine?

Creatine is an organic acid that is found only on vertebrates; it provides energy to all cells in the body, mainly to muscles. Most of it is not naturally generated so it must come with the food we eat; particularly in meats and fish such as beef, salmon, and tuna (vegetarians often show lesser levels of creatine but these can be balanced through supplements[1]). As with many supplements, there have been various types of creatines formulated and sold over the years, each with distinct benefits.

What’s the Difference?

The most commonly used form is Creatine Monohydrate powder. Usually mixed with water and swallowed, creatine monohydrate travels through the bloodstream to the muscle cells, absorbing water into them to increase the visible size of muscles. Creatine Monohydrate also serves to fill the body with energy so that users are capable of doing more repetitions of an exercise, thus hardening the muscle faster.

During the first week or so of use many report rapid weight gain, usually about 5 lbs or so of water weight, but this usually doesn’t last too long and lean muscle follows soon after. For men, it usually has no side effects other than possible dehydration; however, some women have reported to have a swollen belly right after the first intake alongside reported dehydration.[2] Fortunately there is no reported risk of permanent damage to the renal system due to the sudden bloating.[3]

A possible alternative to creatine monohydrate is creatine ethyl ester powder (CEE creatine), which allegedly prevents the bloating by attaching an “ester,” an organic compound used to increase the amount of creatine absorbed, reducing the bloating and dehydration that are sometimes attributed to the supplement.

CEE Creatine was developed as an alternative form of creatine as the body has trouble absorbing creatine monohydrate which means you generally need to take a larger amount to notice the effect. This is due to the semi-lipopholic nature of ester-less creatine which means that it uses fat inefficiently as a transport mechanism and causes the side effects of bloating and dehydration.[4] Unfortunately there haven’t been any concrete studies which can prove or disprove this theory and as such it may depend on how each individual’s body reacts to the creatine.

A third type of creatine supplement has been recently gaining popularity is magnesium creatine chelate or MCC. This type is absorbed through a different pathway than monohydrate and ethyl ester; this way it should make the absorption faster and ensure that most of it is used and not discarded as waste by the body.[5] Again, there have not been any conclusive studies that can prove that MCC is more effective than creatine monohydrate, though the different absorption method may be preferable to some.

One last alternative is Creatine HCL, one of the newest forms of the supplement. This form of creatine is highly concentrated, much like CEE which means there is no “loading period” required and smaller amounts remain as effective as larger amounts of creatine monohydrate. In addition, creatine HCL is water soluble which make for quicker absorption which helps reduce the possible bloating and dehydration issues.

Dosage Info

To receive the best results out of creatine monohydrate, a “loading phase” of five to seven days is recommended in which you must take 20 g per day and then 5g per day for the rest of the cycle, usually another 5-7 days. A more precise approach to determining your ideal dose is to calculate the intake according to mass. This is calculated by dividing 0.3 grams over your body weight for the loading phase and 0.03 over your body weight afterwards.[6] If you want the science behind enhancing your athleticism and strength, studies used 20 gram dose per day for 4-7 days. Other methods required a daily maintenance dose of 2-5 grams or 0.3 mg/kg of body weight.[7] As for CEE and HCL creatines, only about 3-6 grams of CEE or 750mg of HCL are necessary for comparable results and no loading phase is needed.[4]

Best Creatine for Women: Decisions, Decisions

So what is the best creatine for women? The answer is not entirely cut and dry. While CEE and MCC creatine claim to almost completely eliminate the bloating and dehydration issues, there is not a lot of research to prove that is the case. As with many supplements the best supplement may depend on a person to person basis. That said, basic creatine monohydrate is the most popular. It’s the cheapest variety and while it’s necessary to take a higher dose, it provides more bang for your buck. However, if you would prefer to take a smaller dose before your workout and find that you have issues with bloating, creatine HCL may be a better alternative.


  1. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/14600563
  2. https://www.thegreatfitnessexperiment.com/2010/12/creatine-supplementing-for-women-good.html
  3. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/18652082
  4. https://www.muscleandstrength.com/supplements/ingredients/creatine-ethyl-ester.html
  5. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/15142029
  6. https://www.bodybuilding.com/fun/likness2.htm
  7. https://www.mayoclinic.com/health/creatine/NS_patient-creatine/DSECTION=dosing

NALT Dosage and Benefits

Physical, mental and emotional stressors are all around. Jobs, relationships, and responsibilities of the modern world are far more demanding than the conditions our ancestors were under. Stress seems to feed itself, having a snowball-like effect. Leaving a normal, relaxed state and entering one of stress, anxiety and tension can hinder performance on many levels. Physical stress can be detrimental to cognitive performance, emotional stress can make you feel physically weaker, carrying a heavy mental load can make you less emotionally aware and so on. In order to function at your top level, whether it’s in the gym, office, or classroom, your body must be under as little stress as possible. Being able to control or alleviate the stress that arises across multiple fields, particularly in the fitness and nutrition, can help tremendously. One supplement, NALT, has received a significant amount of attention in this area. NALT can blunt the impacts of environmental stressors and, when you’re not stressed, it promotes a relaxed, attentive state.

NALT: What is it?

NALT (N-Acetyl-Tyrosine) is an acetylated form of the amino acid l-tyrosine and converts to l-tyrosine in the body. Since NALT is 20 times more soluble in water than l-tyrosine, NALT is believed to be more easily absorbed than normal l-tyrosine supplements, so it may require a lower dose to achieve the same effects. L-tyrosine is an amino acid that is normally obtained in varying amounts through food sources like chicken, eggs, and dairy. This amino acid is critical to the production of essential neurotransmitters in the brain, including dopamine. When the levels of neurotransmitters like dopamine drop, severe conditions arise. Depression, anxiety and increased irritability are all associated with inadequate dopamine levels. Tyrosine, the amino acid broken down from NALT, is used to help replenish these neurotransmitters.

Benefits of NALT

Most of the research involving NALT is focused on its eventual form l-tyrosine. However, the increased bioavailability of NALT not only means the same research could apply to NALT as well as l-tyrosine, but it could perhaps be more effective. When supplementing with NALT, the primary objective and benefit are to optimize l-tyrosine levels as efficiently as possible. When this occurs, neurotransmitter levels can be topped off, and the brain can become more balanced. Specific benefits of optimized l-tyrosine levels as well as common uses of NALT or other l-tyrosine supplementation are:

  • Improve mood [1]
  • Environmental stress buffer [2]
  • Enhanced cognitive performance under stress [3]
  • Enhanced cognitive performance during sleep deprivation [4]
  • Improved sense of wellbeing [2]
  • Improved memory [5]
  • Reduction of stress-induced high blood pressure [3]
  • Stimulatory effects

NALT Dosage

Since NALT is more easily processed than regular l-tyrosine, the recommended NALT dosage is lower. For moderate effects, dosages as low as 100mg can be used as a starting point. Some sources suggest dosages up to 500mg to achieve maximal effectiveness. Like other supplements, you may have to adjust the dosage and timing to meet your exact needs. Given NALT and tyrosine’s stimulatory effects, it may be best to not use NALT late in the day. And, since NALT directly affects dopamine levels, it is best to contact your physician before you begin supplementing with NALT if you are using any other dopamine-related substances.


  1. www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/6443584
  2. www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/2736402
  3. www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/10230711
  4. www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/7794222
  5. www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/8029265

Best Caffeine Free Pre Workout Supplements

pre-workout supplements without caffeine

Caffeine powder is widely used as a pre-workout stimulant. It’s taken through energy drinks, coffee, or supplement stacks. There are benefits to using caffeine before a workout. In the very least, it gives your muscles the extra energy to keep going and also helps get your blood pumping faster.

However, there are times when using caffeine may not be the best idea. For example, if you train later in the evening, a high dose of caffeine may interfere with your sleep. Or, for anyone particularly sensitive to caffeine, the effects can be over stimulating and become more of a hindrance in the gym. Regardless of your situation, you shouldn’t feel slighted during your workout. There are several alternatives to caffeine in pre-workout supplements that can help you keep your edge and help you reach your goals faster.

Citrulline Malate Powder

Citrulline Malate is a form of the amino acid citrulline and provides energy to the muscles and promotes endurance for both aerobic and anaerobic athletes. Citrulline malate powder works in two main ways. First, it increases intramuscular ATP energy. This is what you use each time you lift a rep or run a lap. The more ATP in your muscles, the longer they will function at optimal levels.

Citrulline malate takes that a step further by helping you function on an even higher level. In a study performed on athletes using the chest press as a test exercise, participants were given citrulline malate or placebo. Then their work output and recovery times were measured. Users given citrulline malate were able to do 52% more repetitions and had a 40% reduction in soreness, so they were stronger during their workout and recovered faster too. [1]

Beta-Alanine Supplement

Beta-alanine is another great caffeine-free pre-workout supplement that also promotes muscular endurance.  Beta-alanine works a bit differently than citrulline malate. Supplementing with beta-alanine helps increase intramuscular carsonine levels [2].

During exercise, carsonine helps remove lactic acid from muscles, which can cause a burning sensation and muscle fatigue. Without acid buildup and muscular fatigue, beta-alanine helps you get stronger and build muscle mass.

Beta-alanine can help improve your overall body composition too. Research performed on athletes has shown that beta-alanine can increase lean muscle mass and decreasing body fat percentage [2]. Since this is a popular reason for using caffeine pre-workout, you can now work toward your fat-burning goals without stimulant supplements.

L-Arginine Supplement

As the two supplements mentioned above, L-Arginine supplement, also simply known as Arginine, is also an alternative to caffeine for increasing endurance, increasing strength and reducing fatigue. Arginine works differently as well. It’s is responsible for boosting nitric oxide flow into the body after exercise. Higher nitric oxide levels relax blood vessels which allows for more blood flow. The increased blood flow delivers oxygen and nutrients to the muscles more efficiently to prevent muscle fatigue. Arginine also boosts growth hormone production and helps you recover quicker. [3] [4]

Caffeine Free Pre Workout Stacks

You can also try pre-workout stacks which are often available without caffeine. Stacks take the guesswork out of pre-workout supplementation. I found a great pre-workout stack called Muscle Maxx Pro. This pre-workout stack contains L-Arginine, Astragalus, Tongkat Ali (Longjack), Maca, and Tribulus. These ingredients work together synergistically to enhance the body’s muscle building capacity.

Whatever your reasons are for wanting to cut caffeine out of your pre-workout stack, there are alternatives. With muscular endurance and energy being the main benefits, the options for replacement are well represented. A stimulant-free pre-workout stack can help you reach your goals just as fast and without any of the negative side-effects of caffeine use.


[1] https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/20386132

[2] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beta-Alanine

[3] https://l-arginineguide.com/facts-about-l-arginine-and-working-out.html

[4] https://www.livestrong.com/article/6135-need-l-arginine-bodybuilding/

Pre-Workout Supplements as Energy Boosters Rather than for Strength

energy boostersMany people know about strength enhancing supplements, but tend to forget about energy boosters. There are supplements that will help heal, tone, and grow your muscles, but there are also those that will wake you up, and help you function better than you would on your average day.

A great example of an energy booster is caffeine supplements. Caffeine is found in many of the beverages we consume every day. Tea, coffee, and the majority of soft drinks all include caffeine. There are also caffeine based supplements, such as Caffeine Anhydrous. This supplement is a special form of caffeine that has been found to be much more effective at providing your body with energy than your everyday caffeine.

Caffeine Anhydrous powder is quickly absorbed into your system and it helps you increase alertness, as well as reduce fatigue. This supplement can be beneficial for athletes as well as college students studying for their finals. This supplement has been reported to make you feel awake, even after a sleepless night. Caffeine Anhydrous powder is highly soluble and will take effect in roughly 15 minutes after digesting it; however, it only reaches its full energy potential after about 45 minutes.

Another lesser known great energy booster is Inositol supplement. Inositol is found in some fruits and beans. Inositol supplement helps you feel more energetic, and also acts as a mood enhancer, making you feel happier and energized. One of the great things about it is that it helps you feel focused while avoiding side effects as much as possible.

Above are just the supplements that will help you stay energized and focused; however, they will not have a significant effect on your work-outs at the gym. DS Craze, a pre-workout supplement will help you increase your energy levels, as well as push you beyond your limits at the gym. This supplement increases the amount of Creatine that your skeletal muscles hold.  Besides an intense boost at the gym, DS Craze pre workout supplement will also provide a great energy boost as it contains a significant amount of caffeine.

Additional Energy Boosters

There are also a ton of commercially available Vitamin supplements that will help you stay awake and alert. A great vitamin-like compound is Coenzyme Q10. It is naturally occurring, and it is responsible for energy production in your body; it also produces ATP. ATP is directly correlated to energizing muscles. Besides helping you stay alert, Coenzyme Q10 act as an anti-aging supplement as it is a powerful antioxidant. Another vitamin which aids with energy production is the well-known vitamin B. Vitamin B plays an important role in the metabolism of carbohydrates, protein as well as fat. It converts ingested food into energy and helps you live your life as you should; full of energy.

Listed above are only some of the more popular of the countless energy and pre-workout supplements, most of which you can find online. Remember that there are always options for you, and you are not limited at the gym by pre-workout supplements; you can keep yourself healthy and energetic from the comfort of your own home.


Cissus Quadrangularis Benefits

Cissus Quadrangularis Extract

cissus quadrangularis for testosterone boostCissus Quadrangularis is a succulent vine found in many places around Africa and South East Asia. It’s native to Sri Lanka and India, but has been imported to Brazil and the Southern United States over the years.

It is one of the most popular medicinal plants in Thailand and is part of traditional African medicine. Cissus Quadrangularis is also sometimes referred to as Veldt Grape or Devil’s Backbone.

What Are Its Uses?

Cissus vine, ground into a  powder and consumed, has previously been used to speed up the healing of broken bones as well as the repair process of injured ligaments and tendons. Because of its positive effect on bones and joints, Cissus is now being used in some body building supplements.

While using Cissus powder as a pre-workout supplement, your muscle tissue will be better preserved during your routine through the anabolic and the antiglucocorticoid effects that it possesses. Simply put, this means that you will gain lean muscle faster than you normally would. [2]

Plus, not only does this supplement expediate healing and muscle growth, but it also considerably enhances weight loss in users with or without dietary adjustments in some recent studies. [2]

A final traditional use of Cissus is in the treatment of feminine disorders. The supplement has shown some success in treating and alleviating conditions brought on by menopause as well as treating libido and menstrual disorders. [4]

Cissus Benefits

As a Pre-workout Supplement

lift more with preworkout supplements

Using Cissus Quadrangularis as pre-workout supplement will help you get into your desired shape much faster than you would be able to otherwise.  Adding Cissus powder to your already healthy workout and dietary routine will boost your muscle gain through the increased healing speed of deep muscle tissue and enhance your performance as well.

Plus, as it keeps your muscles preserved and rested, Cissus Quadrangularis benefits users by significantly reducing rest times between sets.

Of course, the most useful aspect of Cissus is its mending properties. Often over the course of intense training it’s common to strain or damage your body which can significantly hamper your progress.

If you can’t work out, then your muscle growth will stagnate or reverse, so a speedy recovery is key. However, prevention is even more important and that’s where the real effectiveness of Cissus lies.

Cissus Quadrangularis for Weight Loss

Even if you’re not planning on using Cissus to enhance your workout or recover from an injury, it’s still proven to be effective as a weight loss supplement. Experimental studies show that people who took 150 mg of Cissus powder twice per day for 10 weeks on average showed a mean weight loss of 8.7kg in people with initial weight of 99kg.

A fat burning experiment that combined Cissus with other weight loss supplements, such as green tea and chromium showed an incredibly impressive result of an 187% increase in weight loss compared to those receiving a placebo. It is thus speculated that Cissus acts as a fat blocker and appetite suppressor

Besides of this huge weight reduction, cholesterol levels and percentage body fat also decrease. Some studies showed that Cissus can lower blood sugar as well. However, it should be noted that more testing is needed to verify some of these results. [2]

Dosage Info

Depending on the desired results, there are a number of suggested dosages of this supplement. As a general dietary supplement it is suggested that individuals should take 500-1000 mg with meals. This should equal out to about 2000-2500 mg per day. This is a good way to determine whether or not you’re seeing any desired effects in terms of weight loss.

For quicker results, there is also a more intensive method that involves a “loading phase” of 2-3 weeks. In this method you are instructed to take 1500 mg, 3 times per day with your meals, followed by a maintenance phase of 1500mg with your morning meal and 1000 mg with the last meal of the day. [3]

While there are no specific instructions on using this supplement as a pre-workout booster, it should be noted that it becomes active within 30 minutes of consumption. With that in mind, it is probably best to take a pre-workout rather than immediately before you begin training. [4]


  1. https://www.beautanicals.com.au/cissus.html
  2. https://www.mrsupplement.com.au/cissus-quadrangularis
  3. https://www.canadianprotein.com/Cissus-Quadrangularis.html#
  4. https://examine.com/supplements/Cissus+quadrangularis/

DHEA Reviews for Men: DHEA to Boost Testosterone

DHEA Reviews for MenDHEA supplements are known as an endogenous steroid hormone and can be the perfect supplement in maintaining health and well-being as well as enhancing performance in a safe way.

DHEA Dosage

DHEA dosages are usually around 25mg per day and is recommended to people who are aged 30+. As males age, their natural DHEA levels decline, and with that the levels of testosterone decrease as well. When testosterone decreases, men start to notice effects such as fatigue, decreased drive, and loss of libido amongst others. When taken daily, some users noticed an increase in motivation and drive; however, this is on a case by case basis.

Like with many supplements, users often cycle DHEA supplements. However, this is because DHEA effects your endocrine system and has the ability to disrupt the natural homeostasis of your hormone levels. DHEA also converts to a variety of additional hormones, one of which is estrogen. Prolonged exposure to estrogen in males will have negative effects, hence users choose to cycle this supplement (for example: one month on, one month off). Be sure to monitor your hormone levels.

Mucuna Pruriens Extract as a Libido Enhancer

For centuries, people from everywhere in the world have believed in the aphrodisiac powers of certain plants, places, and objects. Many were just given their status due to the shape they seemed to have, or events that mythically occurred on a spot; however, certain plants have been found to indeed have these legendary properties. Libido enhancers act on the nervous system, modifying the production of certain neurotransmitters or the amount of sexual hormones in the bloodstream (they work mainly on men because testosterone is the hormone that is most commonly increased)[1]. One of these effective plants is the mucuna pruriens commonly known as Velvet bean, Cowhage, Cowitch, Atmagupta, Picapica, Juckbohne, Kapikachu, or Yerepe. Its libido enhancing properties have been known for ages, Yunani and Ayurveda medicine have long included the plant in their lists of remedies against erectile dysfunction.

Mucuna Pruriens Extract Origins

Mucuna Pruriens is a tropical annual plant that’s found in Africa, India, and the Caribbean. When it’s young it’s covered with tiny hairs that make it extremely itchy on contact (itch powder is sometimes made from this plant) but once its matured the hairs disappear. The beans are used as a substitute for coffee and it’s in that form that the benefits are enjoyed, although it can now be found in capsules.[2]

As a Libido Enhancer

The reason why mucuna pruriens exract works as a libido enhancer is that it contains components that increase the levels of testosterone and trigger sexual desire. It also, contains antioxidants, which can help to improve the immune system and the quality of sperm, aiding erections to last longer. Additionally, the seeds also have entheogen components (in lesser quantities), which are used to relax the body and make it more aware to sensations, making physical relations more enjoyable. To increase these effects, it is recommended to boil the seeds with cow’s milk or to take the capsules with this beverage. Other mucuna pruriens benefits include improved digestion and improved regulation of menstrual cycles. [3] You can buy mucuna pruriens extract from many online stores.

Icariin Supplements and Testosterone

What Is Icariin?

Icariin extract, the only standardized and active ingredient found in horny goat weed, provides various special benefits for both men and women. Horny goat weed, as you may already know, has been used for a very long time as a popular aphrodisiac, but did you know that it can also increase testosterone levels in men and benefit bone health?

Icariin as a Pre-Workout Supplement

As a pre-workout supplement, there has been little to no research showing that icariin acts as a stimulant. In fact it is generally believed that icariin is non-stimulatory. However, this does not disprove the fact that icariin can give you an edge in the weight room due to its stamina and testosterone boosting properties.

For instance, icariin increases the expression of nitric oxide synthase which can increase blood flow due to an increase in nitric oxide levels. While taking icariin supplements before a workout is not a bad idea, don’t expect to feel the same buzz you would get after taking a stimulant.

Other Icariin Benefits

Even if icariin isn’t your standard pre-workout supplement, it does offer a host of other benefits as a daily supplement. The great thing about icariin extract is its power to boost a number of physical attributes.  Studies have shown that icariin supplements have the ability to increase testosterone, sex drive, and stamina. However, they have also showed results in improving cardiovascular, brain, and bone health as well. This may very well be what influences individuals to use icariin as a daily supplement.

The effects of icariin are not purely physical either, it also has a fair share of mental benefits as well. Some studies have found that icariin could possibly possess neurogenerative effects.

While current studies need further research on icariin’s testosterone boosting abilities in humans, animal studies have promising results. These studies show undoubtedly that icariin has the ability to increase testosterone, and in a unique way. It actually mimics testosterone, increasing the overall level of circulating testosterone in the subject in addition to improving the condition of reproductive organs. Additional human testing is needed to determine how effective icariin extract is for enhancing testosterone for certain; however, there are few cases where animal studies (most often performed on rats) don’t correlate and scale with effects seen in humans.

Icariin Dosage

The aphrodisiac qualties of Icariin supplements might be exactly what your love life needs!

Icariin can provide some great benefits to those who supplement it properly. With that in mind, I recommend implementing icariin slowly in to your supplement routine.

While the benefits of icariin depend on how high of a dosage you take of the supplement, this model can be applied to virtually all supplements. That said; there is always a point where taking in too much of anything can become detrimental to your initial goals. The recommended dose for icariin is 60 mg daily adjusting up or down depending on your individual response. According to one study done on females only, 60mg daily is the minimum dosage for the stimulation of osteoclastic activity (bigger and stronger bones!).

Eventually you should work up to 60mg daily where you can then evaluate your dosage based on your specific goals and results. Studies show that even moderate levels will help increase and maintain bone density, while high levels will increase testosterone. As with many supplements these results can vary, so it’s best to start slow and work out what’s right for you. Let us know how it goes in the comments below!


Beta Ecdysterone Reviews: Using Beta Ecdysterone Supplements Pre Workout

Beta Ecdysterone provides for fat lass and lean body mass

Beta Ecdysterone Supplements

Beta Ecdysterone is a compound extracted from certain herbs and roots such as Maral root, Suma root and Cyanotis vaga. Also known as 20-hydroxyecdysone, suma, or simply ecdysterone, this supplement works by increasing nitrogen retention as well as encouraging protein synthesis.[1]

It is widely used in both the pro-athletic and bodybuilding worlds to fortify muscle mass and to increase the growth of lean body tissue. Beta Ecdysterone also helps decrease recovery time between workouts and even sets. This way you can spend more time focusing on your training, and in turn gain muscle mass much faster than normal.[2]

Beta Ecdysterone is most beneficial to “hard gainers,” or people who have difficulty gaining muscle mass and keeping it. Even if you have no problem gaining muscle, you can still reap some impressive benefits from this natural supplement. Below are some of the reported benefits of taking beta ecdysterone as a buzz pre-workout supplement.[3]

• Helps with fat loss
• Greatly increases lean body mass
• Stimulated metabolism
• Prevention of muscle mass loss
• Increases in muscle percentage
• Improves nerve function
• In some cases may lower LDL cholesterol
• Improves protein synthesis (this increases lean body tissue mass when combined with resistance training)
• Increases nitrogen balance
• Can help lower blood-glucose levels—Studies shown that ecdysterone can lower glucose levels while leaving insulin untouched. This can be helpful to those being treated for type 2 diabetes.)

Beta Ecdysterone stimulates protein metabolism; higher levels of protein metabolism will lead to a positive nitrogen balance in your body. To put it simply, much like the way a balloon expands when it’s filled with air, your muscles will grow stronger when your body is going through protein synthesis. Beta Ecdysterone dramatically increases this process, leading to significant muscle gain.

Ecdysterone Supplements: What Do I Need to Do?

Nothing good comes easy, and with that in mind it has to be noted that this supplement requires some work. It’s important to remember that Beta Ecdysterone supplements are reliant on the process of protein synthesis and thus will only enhance muscle growth if you combine them with a correct diet, conditioning, and proper exercise which must include resistance (weight) training. You won’t seen positive results using this supplement unless you commit to a regular regiment.[2]

Are Beta Ecdysterone Supplements Safe?

This is the big question with many similar supplements. With all the potential benefits there has to be some kind of side effects, right? Surprisingly, there are not.

Beta Ecdysterone Supplement Side Effects:

  • Will not cause high blood pressure
  • Will not convert into estrogen
  • Does not damage the liver or hormonal systems
  • Has an incredibly low toxicity level overall.

Beta Ecdysterone Studies

Studies show that not only will a proper diet lead to significant results, but that these results are further improved when the ecdysterone supplement is combined with a high protein diet. High protein diets can boost the intensity of these effects to and then past the level of conventional steroids.[1]

According to Russian research, athletes using ecdysterone as well as following a high protein diet noticed significant changes. In their test, 78 professional athletes were either given a placebo or beta ecdysterone supplement over a period of ten days. From this sample size it was found that about 7% of this group experienced an increase in lean muscle tissue.[1] On average the fat levels decrease by approximately 10% for both genders in this select group. This research and others demonstrate that ecdysterone is a healthier alternative to steroids, and it has no known side effects, including negative hormonal consequences.[2] 

Beta Ecdysterone Supplement Results:

“I’ve take Ecdysterone in the past and I can say it definitely works. It helps with metabolism, protein synthesis, and putting on lean muscle. This stuff has no side effects and it’s practically a miracle pill. Highly recommend.” -Trevor, Amazon

“Good simple product which is hard to find. Most products are combined with other stuff which you don’t need or want.” -Raymond, Amazon

“This is a high quality form of a very effective non-steroidal anabolic.” -Ron

Beta Ecdysterone might just be the Supplement I’m Looking For!

If that’s what you’re thinking after this review then beta ecdysterone very well could be just the thing to add to your regiment. Extra lean muscle gain, fat burning potential, increased metabolism, and all with no side effects? If you’re willing to put in the work required by this supplement then it just might be well worth your time to give it a try.


  1. https://www.nutriline.org/article/16
  2. https://www.mensfitness.com/nutrition/supplements/beta-ecdysterone
  3. https://www.houseofmuscle.com/beanenen.html

Harness Shilajit Powder Benefits for Longevity

Like many traditions passed down from our ancestors, some withstand the test of time and others do not. Ayurvedic medicine, a long-established form of medicine in India that dates back thousands of years, is one tradition with lasting power. Even though today’s culture often snubs traditional and alternative medicines, certain practices are too good to ignore. Shilajit is a good example. A unique substance found in the mountains of Asia, shilajit has been the subject of much research since the 1950’s [1]. The mysterious origins of shilajit are unlike any other herb or vitamin found today and the wide range of reported benefits is unmatched as well. Purified shilajit powder has become very popular in anti-aging communities as a supplement for longevity and improved health.

What is Shilajit?

Himalayan villagers reportedly discovered shilajit when they saw animals venturing up mountains and eating a substance that was oozing from the rock [2]. The villagers followed suit and began to feel healthier and stronger as a result. It’s unknown whether shilajit should be classified as a geological or biological substance. It is a thick tar-like substance that is excreted from rocks the mountainside. Shilajit contains at least 85 minerals as well as triterpenes, humeric acid and fulvic acid [1]. Fulvic acid is considered one of the key elements that makes shilajit so effective. When a cell’s membranes are exposed to fulvic acid, they become more permeable [3]. As a result, fulvic acid makes other nutrients easier to absorb and distribute throughout the body. In the case of shilajit, this could mean the high mineral content is even more effective in presence of fulvic acid. Today, shilajit is purified and extracted, leaving a thick brown pasty substance and has an unlimited shelf life.

Shilajit Powder Benefits

According to some traditional Ayurvedic practitioners, there isn’t a disease or condition that cannot be helped with shilajit. After seeing the list of different uses and benefits, it’s almost hard to argue. Research done in Russia and India has shown the following shilajit powder benefits [1]:

  • Anti-inflammatory
  • Pain relief
  • Anti-ulcer
  • Anti-anxiety/stress
  • Cognitive enhancement
  • Longevity and anti-aging

In addition to those, there is a long list of benefits that haven’t been formally researched, including treatment for depression, proper enzyme secretion, sexual enhancement, organ protection, detoxification, and immune system protection [4]. Given the range and variety of reported benefits, it seems shilajit has properties that help the body at a very basic and fundamental level. Shilajit is slowly catching on in the west, while it has been a popular supplement in Russia and India for some time.

Shilajit Dosage

The average shilajit dosage is 500-1000mg daily, taken with warm water. However, some use it in herbal formulas to accomplish other objectives. Again, this is where the fulvic acid comes into play as a fantastic nutrient transporter. For anyone going straight for the sexual vitality boost, shilajit is said to be most effective when taken with warm organic milk.

  1. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shilajit
  2. https://www.naturalnews.com/029498_Shilajit_Himalayan.html
  3. https://www.globalhealingcenter.com/benefits-of/fulvic-acid
  4. https://www.herbslist.net/shilajit.html