Pre-Workout Supplements for Weight Loss vs. Muscle Building

supplements for muscle building and weight loss

Pre-workout supplements are a popular choice among weight lifters and among those who are trying to lose weight. The purpose of these supplements is to improve workouts and help attain the best results. There are two main kinds of pre-workout supplements: weight-loss supplements and muscle-building supplements.

The following are some of the benefits from using such supplements:

  • Increased strength and endurance;
  • Faster metabolic rate;
  • Enhanced energy and focus;
  • Overall better performance.

Before one decides to use any pre-workout supplements, pre-workout nutrition ought to be considered. Carbohydrates are essential as they are your body’s fuel source. It is recommended that you eat your carbs before your workout so that they can be utilized as fuel in your body. Protein is another must-have food.

Supplements for Weight Loss

Creatine for Weight Loss

Supplementing with creatine increases the body’s creatine stores which results in an increased level of phosphocreatine that in turn helps regenerate muscles’ energy source, ATP. According to a study conducted on 17 subjects, a dosage of 5g of creatine produced an increase in the total creatine content of the muscles. Recommended dosage is 3g per day.

Caffeine for Weight Loss

Caffeine is one of the most popular pre-workout supplements for weight loss. Caffeine can be obtained from coffee, tea, chocolate, or through energy drinks. This very popular supplement works by inhibiting the enzyme that blocks degradation of cAMP therefore allowing energy levels to remain high for extended periods of time. A study on the efficacy of caffeine in increased exercise performance showed increased performance after an intake of caffeine before workout. Typical dosage rages from 100-200 mg.


As you work-out, the levels of glutamine in the body falls and using this as a pre-workout supplement can help delay fatigue during workout by producing more energy and reducing muscle fatigue.

Supplements for Muscle Building


This is a very popular pre-workout supplement for weight lifters because it allows more blood to flow to the muscles by dilating vessels and thereby allowing more nutrients to be absorbed. Results of a study on the effect arginine as a supplement 10 minutes before work-outs showed enhanced performance during workouts. Recommended dosage before a workout is 2-3g.

Citrulline Malate:

Supplementation with Citrulline Malate can increase the levels of arginine which is necessary after an intense workout. Breakdown of amino acids and increased levels of ammonia cause a reduction in arginine levels. Studies show that aerobic energy production is also promoted because of the muscle metabolism promoted by citrulline malate.


This supplement helps improve perceived level of fatigue and cognitive and physical performance during stressful conditions. It increases mental alertness and the ability to concentrate which can help one perform more strenuous workouts. Doses of 500 to 1000mg per day before workouts are recommended.

Whether or not to take pre-workout supplements will be totally up to you and will greatly depend on how you feel during your workout when you are taking these supplements.

Sulbutiamine vs Octopamine

Octopamine vs Sulbutiamine – both are two supplements that provide a variety of benefits to health and well being. Octopamine is a biogenic amine that is generally used to help aid in fat loss. The substance itself is derived from tyramine which can be found in foods such as liver. Sulbutiamine is a synthetic molecule that is used for supporting the reversal of unnatural weakness and lack of energy and consists of two vitamin B1 molecules. It is also commonly used to improve memory and help to support the reversal of erectile dysfunction.

Octopamine helps to boost energy and assists in fat burning. Researchers believe that octopamine aids the body in breaking down fat cells so it has been added to a variety of weight-loss products and dietary supplements. Although the majority of stimulants and weight loss products start to become less effective over extended periods of time, it is said that octopamine does not. This is great because it means octopamine will stay effective. Higher dosages due to increased tolerance or anything of the sort will not be required. Additionally, octopamine has been found to help increase the body’s metabolism which helps the body to efficiently burn more calories. The dosage of octopamine varies between products and its intended use.

Sulbutiamine can be used for a quick energy boost or as a nootropic that increases cholinergic activity within the hippocampus which improves the memory by affecting the levels of acetylcholine in the brain. It is also said that sulbutiamine helps to increase glutatergic activity in the prefrontal cortex. This part of the brain is used to correct social behavior, moderate complex cognitive behavior, and coordinate decision making. When sulbtiamine affects the prefrontal cortex, the intrasynaptic glutamate levels are affected which generally improves memory and mental performance. It also strengthens the protective coverings of the nerves and helps improve the function of the central nervous system.

Sulbutiamine Dosage

The recommended sulbutiamine dosage is 600 milligrams per day taken in three separate 200 milligram doses.

Research has shown that octopamine also helps prevent protein from breaking down for energy which could be very beneficial for athletes and bodybuilders who want to maximize muscle recovery and growth. This could also result in fat loss without significant loss of muscle tissue, as muscle helps to burn fat. Sulbutiamine powder or capsule supplementation ultimately results in improved concentration, memory, and alertness, and the ability to burn fat at a quicker rate. Both of these supplements are good choices if you want increased energy or a faster metabolism.

Octopamine vs Sulbutiamine?

So depending on what you want to do and what your goals are you may find yourself stuck over which one to buy. If you want more energy and a faster metabolism, then octopamine may be a better choice for your goals; but if you want increased metabolism and improved memory, then you may want to go with sulbutiamine.

Energy-Boosting Alternatives to Caffeine

alternatives to caffeine

Caffeine is one of the most effective substances for increasing energy and promoting focus and concentration. These reasons are why caffeine has been used in many of the typical pre-workout supplements. On the other hand, caffeine is also an addictive substance with some significant side effects. Therefore, it would be very helpful if there were an alternative that might be just as effective without the resulting side effects. Here are the


Sulbutiamine is a nootropic that has many excellent benefits. It is designed to help improve your mood, memory, and energy levels. Additionally, there is no resulting crash and you will feel more alive after taking this supplement. The increased focus and endurance is caused by the supplement raising levels of thiamine and thiamine-phosphate esters within the brain. This is now becoming a popular addition to energy drinks with several studies showing significant increases in focus and reaction time performances.

Citrulline Malate:

Citrulline malate is an amino-acid formulation that helps provide energy directly to the muscles. Otherwise known as intramuscular ATP, this fuel is exactly where you want your pre-workout energy boost to go—right to the working muscles. The more ATP you have, the longer your muscles will function at an optimal level. Not only will you benefit from an increased amount of working muscle energy, but you will also see an improvement in endurance and recovery times.


Beta-Alanine is another caffeine alternative to consider adding to your pre-workout stack. This is actually less of an energy enhancer and more of an endurance provider. In the end, it accomplishes pretty much the same thing but the method of action is interestingly different. This supplement works by increasing intramuscular-carnosine levels. Carnosine is a substance that helps to remove lactic acid from your muscles. Lactic acid is what results from working a muscle (too much lactic acid and not enough ATP means that muscle becomes sore and will not perform at an optimal level). This would be a great supplement to stack together with a pure caffeine-replacement energy enhancer (Citrulline Malate, for example).

Phenibut for Anxiety: Benefits of Phenibut and Theanine

Stress and anxiety plague many people on a day to day basis, often for what may seem like no reason at all.  Worse still, with the increase of fast paced life styles it seems like more and more of us are suffering from some form of these conditions and finding relief can be a major issue. To further complicate matters, finding effective all-natural supplements to help combat these issues can be quite a challenge. Fortunately, the supplements Phenibut and Theanine may be good choices to help fight the lingering anxiety caused by stressful lifestyles.

What is Phenibut?

Phenibut is a specially-designed derivative of GABA, a powerful neurotransmitter that is effective at reducing levels of stress and anxiety. Interestingly, the most important function of GABA elsewhere in your body is the regulation of muscle tone. Phenibut is capable of crossing the blood-brain barrier and is particularly fast-acting, making its effect quickly known once it is released.

These are just some of the reasons behind phenibut’s popularity. In fact, “Phenibut is widely used in Russia to relieve tension, anxiety, and fear, to improve sleep in psychosomatic or neurotic patients; as well as a pre- or post-operative medication. It is also used in the therapy of disorders characterized by asthenia and depression, as well as in post-traumatic stress, stuttering and vestibular disorders.” [1]

What is Theanine?

Theanine in teaL-Theanine is a non-protein free amino acid that is found primarily in the leaves of certain types of tea, particularly black and green teas. This ingredient is also thought to be one of the key reasons why tea has such a subtle calming effect on people despite the caffeine content.

More of an herbal remedy than a supplement, theanine is believed by many researchers to counter the stimulant effects of caffeine by increasing the production of alpha brain waves, producing a mild calming effect. Much like phenibut, theanine is a great way to boost your GABA levels and calm some of the body’s more stimulating neurotransmitters.

Phenibut for Anxiety

As previously mentioned, the primary benefit of Phenibut is to reduce the levels of stress and anxiety. This is done because the supplement is actually a precursor of GABA. The specific role of GABA is to act as an inhibitor that slows down neuron firing, a very different function than that of other neurotransmitters. This helps to induce a feeling of quiet and calm which relaxes muscles and reduces anxiety. [3]

Phenibut also boasts a range of neuroprotective and nootropic-like effects. These include helping to protect neurons from oxidative stress and removing toxins from the brain. Additionally, there is some evidence to suggest that the supplement also acts to help improve memory, learning ability, attention, and focus. [1]

Theanine for Anxiety

Supplements for anxiety

Since the Theanine supplement also works by modulating GABA receptor sites within the brain, by itself it should usually be enough to decrease levels of stress and anxiety.

However, the supplement is thought to also exert an influence on dopamine and serotonin. This is why it may also help to increase focus, improve learning, and aid memory. Generally speaking, theanine is one of the most benign types of anxiety easing supplements, but it’s also one of the most mild. [4]

Phenibut Dosage

When starting supplementation with phenibut, a good dosage is 200 mg. This way you can verify that it has some degree of effect without having to worry about overdoing it. Afterwards doses can be increased up to 500 mg and possibly beyond based on personal preferences. A higher dose may help in conjunction with a stimulant supplement to help combat late day sleepiness.

L-Theanine Dosage

A good starting dosage of theanine would be 100 mg. This should be enough to see the effects and judge whether or not they’re strong enough. This can easily be doubled to 200 mg, but it’s best to keep in mind that theanine isn’t a cure for anxiety, but more of a helper. [4]

L-Theanine vs Phenibut for Anxiety

While both supplements seem to have similar benefits, their effectiveness does vary from person to person. Therefore, the best way to decide which is a better option would be to try them both and pay careful attention to the benefits received as well as how they make you feel. Anxiety and stress are complicated afflictions and there is no easy cure as their causes differ greatly. With that said, there are many ways to help you cope with them and experimenting with these two supplements may be a good place to start.



Why the Body Plateaus And What To Do About It

plateaus can stop weightloss and muscle gain

You have probably heard of or even experienced plateaus. Plateauing is when whatever we have been doing to either lose weight or build muscle seems to suddenly stop working. This stall is despite the fact that you are still dieting and working out as hard as ever (maybe even harder!). What is going on here? There are a number of reasons why people reach plateaus and also ways to prevent and break free of these nasty situations.

Why Do We Plateau?

The human body loves balance. The body works hard to create a balance between energy (food) intake and output. When an exercise or diet program is first implemented, the body is shocked into making changes. You are essentially putting an overload of stress on the body and it is forced to adapt by losing weight and/or building muscle.

Unfortunately, this cannot last forever. The body eventually reaches a point where it has effectively compensated for the increased energy output. Once there are enough extra resources to handle the extra activity and stresses involved with the program, you will hit a plateau and then no more weight loss will occur for quite some time.

Preventing Plateaus:

The key concept to remember in terms of weight loss and muscle building is that everything works (for a while) and variety is the spice of life. Plateaus can be prevented with proper planning. This involves not eating the same foods each day. It is also helpful to vary caloric intake slightly from one day to the next.

In terms of exercise, vary your routines as well. Use both strength and aerobic routines and make sure to periodically change what you are doing. This might mean adding new exercises or performing sets in a different way. You might even be able to perform exercises at a different speed or in a slightly different range of motion. The bottom line is to keep your body guessing. Do not allow your system to accurately guess what might be coming next. Doing so can certainly prevent the body from becoming comfortable and will force it to continue losing weight and/or building muscle.

Breaking Free Of Plateaus:

If you are currently experiencing a plateau, the good news is that you can break free quite easily. What you need to do is change the overall environment or circumstances. This could mean increasing activity levels, decreasing overall caloric intake, or changing around your entire exercise program or routine. Basically, you need to try shocking your body once again in order to make it think that more stress is coming and it needs to prepare.

DMAE Benefits

DMAE is also known as dimethylaminoethanol and deanol. It is a molecule that can help to reduce build up of the age pigmentation, beta-amyloid. It is also the active component of lucidril which is a pharmaceutical medication designed to help enhance cognitive health in the elderly. It is naturally produced in the brain but in small amounts, and can be found in fish such as pilchards, sardines, anchovies, and salmon. DMAE also promotes the production of choline which is responsible for the functions of memory, learning, and attention. According to research, DMAE has been shown to improve thinking processes, increase attention spans, give a sense of well being, reduce irritability, and help maintain longer concentration spans. More recent studies have shown that DMAE can lighten skin, tighten skin, and remove skin spots, delaying the aging process.

There are many DMAE benefits including lighting age spots that are usually seen on the back of hands, arms, and on the face. These brown spots that pop up are the result of lipofuscin accumulation in deposits within the body. Lipofuscin generally appears in older people and is a waste product of the cells. Lipofuscin is also found in heart muscles and in neurons, so DMAE also helps to flush the lipofuscin out of the body and prevent other possible negative results of lipofuscin deposits.  Sagging skin is also prevented because of the skin-tightening effects that DMAE has on the body. DMAE skin treatments are highly popular along with plastic surgery and help to tighten the appearance of facial skin. It is said that this is because of DMAE’s ability to stabilize cells, flush lipofuscin from the body, and boost acetylcholine.

DMAE also supports physical health improvements after long term use. Many people have taken DMAE and reported better physical performance and alleviation of chronic fatigue. This is possibly because DMAE results in higher energy levels by increasing production of acetylcholine. It is also believed that DMAE reduces DNA damage by acting as an antioxidant to combat free radicals, boost immune system health, and aid in the support of treatment of cardiovascular diseases. Additionally, animals that consumed DMAE supplements were said to have lived longer than the animals that did not.

DMAE Benefits for Mental Health

In additional to physical health there are also psychological and emotional health benefits that come along with taking DMAE. It is known to be used as supplementary therapy for children who have trouble concentrating and focusing. Treatment with DMAE resulted in less aggression, improved scholastic ability, longer attention spans, and possibly increased IQ.

DMAE Dosage

DMAE dosage is normally between 100 and 300 milligrams daily although there is no specific recommended dosage as it varies from person to person. Manmade DMAE bitartrate is also available and contains similarities to choline. It is available in both liquid and pill form. DMAE side effects can consist of insomnia, muscle tension, and headaches if too much is consumed.




Beta-Alanine Supplementation to Boost Athletic Performance

Beta-alanine is a naturally-occurring nonessential amino acid. This acid is vital to building and repairing muscle tissue. The body naturally produces beta-alanine in the liver, thus it is classified as a nonessential amino acid. Normal alanine is used in protein synthesis but beta-alanine is not. There are components of beta-alanine that can be absorbed when protein-rich foods like fish and meat are consumed. Most benefits of beta-alanine come in the form of physical enhancements to the body.

Beta Alanine Benefits

The benefits of beta-alanine include increased strength and muscle mass, decreased muscle fatigue, increased aerobic endurance, and increased output power. Athletes who perform in endurance sports and bodybuilders who compete in weightlifting commonly use beta-alanine supplements. This usage is because taking beta-alanine can result in an increase in muscle endurance and strength. Many people have reported that they have seen the results of taking beta-alanine within just the first two weeks of supplementation. Beta-alanine works by ramping up the production of carnosine, a peptide that is found in muscle fibers. Hydrogen molecules that are released during exercise are buffered by carnosine which results in normalization of the pH level of the muscles. It is said that beta-alanine is therefore likely responsible for the endurance and recovery processes that muscles undergo.

Bodybuilders tend to use beta-alanine to decrease the resting period between exercise sets

Beta-Alanine boosts athletic performanceby increasing muscle endurance. This results in increased intensity of the workout and can in turn lead to increased muscle and strength gains. Beta-alanine will also reduce the amount of lactic acid that builds up in the muscle. This reduction will help to prevent muscle soreness after grueling workouts. Beta-alanine can be found in many different foods such as fish, chicken, and beef. However, it can also be found in many health supplements including protein supplements and meal replacement powders. Additionally, beta-alanine powder is available as well as beta-alanine capsules.

The recommended beta-alanine dosage is 4 grams per day or around 0.15 ounces. However, the dosage should be adjusted according to individual needs and goals. Many times, athletes will start out with a loading phase which is when the athlete takes beta-alanine in larger dosages for the first week. Taking beta-alanine with carbohydrates is also recommended so that the absorption of beta-alanine can be optimized. Beta-alanine is considered to be safe with minimal toxicity. Recent studies have shown that taking beta-alanine over a period of several months has resulted in no negative side effects. So if you are an endurance athlete, bodybuilder, runner, or sprinter, then beta-alanine could be very beneficial for you.



African Mango Extract for weight loss

africna mango seed extract for weight loss

Weight loss supplements have become increasingly popular with the increase of obesity rates throughout the world over. According to the WHO (World Health Organization), Overweightness and obesity are the fifth leading risks for global deaths, and at least 2.8 million adults die yearly from being overweight. [1] There have been some studies conducted regarding the potential of African mango seed extract as a supplement to aid in weight loss.

What is African Mango Extract?

The African Mango extract is a supplement that is comes from a mango mostly found in Central Africa, particularly in Cameroon. Supplements from this mango are derived from the seed of the mango which has been used by the natives for a long time but has only found its way to the western world recently. [2]

Benefits of irvingia gabonensis extract

Because of the high fibre content of their seeds, the extract is said to be effective in the removal of cholesterol from the body. A study conducted on 40 subjects with an age range of 42.4 years. In this study 28 of the subjects received pure African mango extract for a period of one month. Results show that those who were given the irvingia gabonesis extract had reduced waist and hip circumference although the percentage of body fat was not significantly reduced. [3]

Another benefit when it comes to weight loss and the extract is its ability to suppress appetite. According to a study that was conducted in 2009 in which volunteers from 19-50 years old were given the extract for a period of ten weeks. After the experimental period, it was noted that the extract reduced levels of leptin which is responsible for controlling appetite. [4] This has been taken by some to imply that the pure African mango extract can be used as an appetite suppressant.

The African seed extract is also said to be effective in boosting metabolism. An experiment conducted on 102 volunteers in whom the extract was administered twice daily showed favourable impact of the extract on body weight and metabolism. [5] This can be explained because metabolism is responsible for producing energy from the food you eat. With increased energy and metabolism, you will be therefore able to lose weight.

Due to the above effect of the extract on the body, users of the supplement have reported increased energy with intake of the Africa mango extract. The explanation is clear: since your body is digesting more food and less fat is being stored, more of what you eat will be readily turned into energy. [6]

As with any other diet supplement, simply taking this extract will not do ‘miracles’ and make you slim-you have to combine proper amounts of exercise for it to be effective. Proper exercise helps boost the body’s metabolism and in turn burn fat. Some of the recommended programs to help with weight loss along with the supplement include:

  • Cardio vascular exercise. This exercise targets fat and will guarantee more fat being burned.
  • Weight training. This will not only burn fat but will turn fat into muscle which will also speed your metabolic rate.

When it comes to dosage, research recommends taking between 350mg to 3grams of irvingia gabonesis per day. [7] Instead of looking for the amount of extract the product contains, it is better to search for the amount of IGOB131 extract since this is what researchers use.


Octopamine Dosage, Benefits and use for Energy

First discovered by Italian scientist Vittorio Erspamer in 1948 in the salivary glands of the octopus, Octopamine (β,4-dihydroxyphenethylamine or norsynephrine) is mostly used in relation to weight loss. It is derived from Tyramine- a natural amino acid that is present in foods such as tomatoes and liver. [1]

Octopamine-How it Works

Octopamine works by breaking down fat cells in the body. It is related to noradrenaline and acts as a neurohormone, neuromodulator and neurotransmitter in invertebrates. As mentioned earlier, this compound was first derived from the salivary glands of the octopus but most notably can be also found in bitter orange and can also be created synthetically by processing tyramine.

Tyramine induces the release of chemicals from a nerve cell and produces a specific response that is similar to what happens when drugs are taken in by the body. Consumption of foods with tyramine have been noted to produce a metabolic reaction that increases levels of dopamine and epinephrine. [6]

Benefits of Octopamine

One of the benefits of this compound that has made it very popular among weight lifters is its ability to increase fat loss. Being a naturally occurring beta3 adrenergic agonist, this is involved in the physiological processes of fat metabolism. [2]

Another benefit of Octopamine hlc is its ability to improve insulin sensitivity which will in turn improve one’s loss efforts. An additional benefit from such tolerance is lowered cholesterol. [2]

Additional benefit of the supplement is to help slightly lower blood pressure. It is also said to stimulate the release of catecholamines that are adrenaline-like hormones that help in dealing with stress.

Octopamine for energy

Octopamine’s ability to increase the energy level in energy-demanding activities such as exercise. This is based on the fact that this compound is used by insects such as locusts, spiders, crustaceans and the like in activities such as flying and jumping.  [3]

Although few studies have been conducted on humans, it is suggested that octopamine may stop the breakdown of protein for energy. This is a valuable property because it would mean that fat loss can still be possible without effecting muscle tissue.

Octopamine is a stimulant to movement or energy by activating what are known as beta3 receptors which significantly increases the body’s to burn fat.

Side effects of Octopamine

One of the significant side effects that may occur as a result of using this supplement is an increase in blood pressure and heart rate. With this in mind, it is not recommended for those who have heart problems. Aside from this however, there have been no significant side effects of the supplement. It is best to always consult a physician before deciding to to take this supplement and if one is pregnant, has migraines, high blood pressure. [4]

Octopamine Dosage

Due to the fact that Octopamine has not been thoroughly researched when it comes to usage and effect on humans, there are no fixed dosing recommendations. Supplements that contain this compound however usually have around 200,g/ serving.  It is also recommended that the supplement is taken prior to meals so that its thermogenesis and fat burning properties can work better. [5]

Octopamine is one of those supplements that still has to undergo more research but users of the compound claim that it is one of the safe weight loss supplements in the market today. For best results, it is recommended that the octopamine dosage and directions provided on the product you purchase are followed carefully.


Synergistic effects of Green Coffee Bean Extract and Raspberry Ketones

green coffee bean extract and raspberry ketones

Green coffee is also known as the unroasted beans of coffea fruits. The green coffee beans are cleaned, dried, roasted, ground, and then brewed to produce healthy nutrient rich coffee. Green coffee beans and weight loss are often tied together, as multiple research studies have claimed that green coffee beans can help aid in weight loss. Green coffee bean capsules have generated a lot of buzz and many bloggers have been talking about it for a while now. Raspberry ketones on the other hand have also generated a lot of attention. So what exactly are raspberry ketones? Raspberry ketone is a molecule synthesized from raspberries that is often touted as a fat burning compound.

A lot of people ask how to take raspberry ketones because they have never heard of it before, but it is quite simple. Raspberry ketones supplements come in both capsule form and liquid form. A normal dose of raspberry ketones is usually around 100mg. Raspberry ketones are also reported to alter the levels of adinopectin, which is a hormone that is normally lower in overweight people. It has also said that adinopectin is a factor in insulin resistance (which is a major factor in type 2 diabetes). The hormone known as norepinephrine which affects metabolism is released by stimulation caused by the raspberry ketones as well. They also contain anti-oxidants which has its own health benefits.

Besides aiding in weight loss, green coffee bean extract benefits also include slowing down the aging process, stabilizing blood sugar levels, improving circulation and muscle tone. Unlike normal coffee, green coffee bean extract does not make you nervous or jittery. Compared to a normal cup of coffee, green coffee bean extract only has 20mg of caffeine per serving; a normal cup of coffee has around a 100mg of caffeine per serving. You cannot get the same effect you get from drinking regular coffee that you get from green coffee bean extract. This is because green coffee bean extract is not roasted. Roasting green coffee beans would result in removing the chlorogenic acid which is a powerful antioxidant. So green coffee bean extract is processed before the beans are roasted, while they are still raw and fresh.

Raspberry Ketones vs. Green Coffee Bean Extract

Now the big question is if green coffee bean extract and raspberry ketones be taken in a combination. The answer is yes, but there has not been many studies done on the combination of the tow and from what people have reported, there is not much of an increased effect. The two do not cancel each other out, yet they do not double the weight loss aid. If you have the extra money to spend, you can try and see if it works for you but it is usually not recommended. So which one should you choose as a weight loss aid if you have to choose between the two? Generally green coffee bean extract weight loss reports have noted that green coffee beans work better for inhibiting weight gain, while raspberry ketones have resulted in actual weight loss. So you should choose the one that you think will fit your goals but it would not hurt to give both a try in separate trials to see how your body reacts to them.

